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Que es el Obi Kola?

¿Qué es el Obi Kola?

La cola amarga, orogbo u orobó (Garcinia kola) es una especie de planta con flores nativa de África, perteneciente a la familia Clusiaceae o Guttiferae.

¿Cómo sembrar Obi Kola?

¿Cómo sembramos paso a paso una nuez de cola?

  1. Germinar las semillas de cola en sphagnum previamente humedecido a una temperatura cercana a los 35 ° C.
  2. Esperar 2 a 3 semanas hasta que la germinación se realice.
  3. Plantar las semillas en macetas, una vez germinadas.
  4. Cubrir las semillas hasta la mitad con turba.

Where do kola nuts grow in Nigeria?

Kola nuts are grown in the western part of Nigeria, the Yoruba land, and among the Yorubas, there is a thriving kola nut farming business. The Yorubas plant them in large quantity and sell it to other parts of Nigeria.

What is the significance of kola nuts?

Kola nuts are an important part of the traditional spiritual practice of culture and religion in West Africa, particularly Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia. The 1970s hit «Goro City», by Manu Dibango, highlights the significance of kola nuts (called «goro» in the Hausa language) to the capital of Niger, Niamey.

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Why is kolanut so important to Nigeria?

Kolanut has for hundreds of years served as an important article of internal trade in Nigeria and other parts of Africa [ 6 ]. It has been an item of trade in West Africa and in the trans-Saharan trade routes for many centuries [ 7 ]. Nigeria accounts for about 70 percent of the total world production of kolanuts [ 1, 8, 9 ].

Can Niger State be given due recognition for kolanut production?

Despite its endowment in soil resources suitable for kolanut production, as well as long history of kolanut production in Nigeria, Niger State has not been given due recognition. Kolanut farmers in the state have also been facing a number of challenges in term of production and marketing of kolanuts.